Title: A safe place of learning CLT and new roles for educators
Authors: Al Hazmi Sultan Hassan
Bin Daoud Salem
Issue Date: 2006
Citation: A safe place of learning CLT and new roles for educators Salem bin Daoudمجلة جامعة الملك خالد للعلوم الشرعية، والعربية، والإنسانية علمية محكمة جامعة الملك خالدVol 4 no 8 (1427 H 2006) p p 137Bin Daoud SalemAl Hazmi Sultan Hassan
Abstract: It is axiomatic that places of learning (schools colleges and universities) must be safe and secure for both staff and learners Without a stable and protected learning environment education cannot take place This paper shows that there is a further dimension to this axiom quality education plays a significant role in the reduction of crime and violence in society at large Therefore all educators the Government nongovernment organisations parents and the learners themselves should be involved in the fight against misconduct at school and at tertiary institutions The author proposes however that if educators allow the classroom and the lecturehall to be sites of sterility and boredom they run the risk of engendering frustrated students who reject accepted social norms and values In so doing these educators frustrate the efforts of those individuals and agencies trying to combat civil disobedience In this discussion a cognitivelanguage approach to teaching across the curriculum is advocated; and a “checklist” of principles of procedure is provided by which educators should monitor their teaching methodology These principles of procedure ensure that the classroom becomes dynamic vigorous and educationally sound providing for a lawabiding socially responsible and moral youth
Appears in Collections:English Articles

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