العنوان: Practical evaluation of the accuracy contribution of doppler satellite positioning
المؤلفون: Ahmed Fouad A
تاريخ النشر: 1978
الاستشهاد المرجعي : Practical evaluation of the accuracy contribution of doppler satellite positioning Fouad A AhmedThe Arabian journal for science and engineering المجلة العربية للعلوم والهندسة Univeristy of Petroleum and MineralsVol 3 no 2 (May 1978) p p 7983Ahmed Fouad A
الملخص: Several conclusions are drawn from the adjustment of a test loop of geodetic networks in Canada with four doppler satellite stations Doppler data was first processed separately to ploduce the coordinates of the four stations and their variancecovariance matrix Then they were integrated sequentially with the loop in a process of simultaneous least squares adjustment The accuracy contribution as a result of such integration was then evaluated It was found that appleciable improvement to the relative accuracy can be obtained not only across the loop but also between close stations
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