A computeraidedlearning project in Saudi Arabia Jesse J Defore and Thomas J GreeneThe Arabian journal for science and engineering المجلة العربية للعلوم والهندسة Univeristy of Petroleum and MineralsVol 7 no 4 (October 1982) p p 441445Defore Jesse JGreene Thomas J
The implementation of the CAL project included
installation of the hardware and software initial
preparation of instructional materials by teacherauthors
and use of the materials and terminals by
students A student before coming to the CAL
terminals had heard his instructor's initial presentation
had participated in discussions of the material
had studied the textbook and had solved some sample
problems in a pencilandpaper mode At the terminal
he participated in computer dialogs took quizzes
and examined his progress by looking at a
quiz score summary that the computer terminal provided