The effect of tensile stress and stacking fault energy on the electrical resistivityshear strain relationships in copper and copper alloys
Hassan G A
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The effect of tensile stress and stacking fault energy on the electrical resistivityshear strain relationships in copper and copper alloys G A HassanThe Arabian journal for science and engineering المجلة العربية للعلوم والهندسة Univeristy of Petroleum and MineralsVol 12 no 2 ([April 1987]) p p 213216Hassan G A
يتناول هذا البحث دراسة تأثير إجهاد الشد على العلاقة بين الانفعالوالمقارنة الكهربية أثناء عملية اللي وقد استخدمت عينات من النحاس النقي، ونحاسخارصين 30 %، ونحاسألومنيوم 8 % (مواد لها طاقة رص مختلفة) وقد وجد أن المقاومة الكهربية تقل بزيادة إجهاد الشد وطاقة الرص كما دلت النتائج على أن التغيير في المقاومة الكهربية عند درجة حرارة الغرفة ناتج عن الانخلاعات بدور رئيسي An investigation of the effect of the applied elastic tensile stress and of the stacking fault energy on the relationship between the electrical resistivity and the plastic shear strain was carried out on specimens of Cu CuZn and CuAI These specimens were plastically deformed by torsion up to 300 % plastic shear strain at room temperature The slope of the log resistivity versus log shear strain was observed to be independent of the magnitude of the applied tensile stress This slope was observed to be constant for all ranges of shear strain in CuZn and CuAl and observed to depend on the shear strain range in Cu The magnitude of the log resistivity was extrapolated to zero shear strain and clearly observed to decrease with increasing tensile stress and increasing stacking fault energy