العنوان: The analysis of rectangular tanks by a distribution theory
المؤلفون: AlTurabi D A
تاريخ النشر: 1975
الاستشهاد المرجعي : The analysis of rectangular tanks by a distribution theory By D A AlTurabiمجلة العلوم الهندسية كلية الهندسة، جامعة الرياضVol 1 no 1 (January 1975) p p 5667AlTurabi D A
الملخص: The paper described an analytical solution for the problem of rectangular tanks square in plan under liquid or lateral pressure The solution makes use of basic functions and employs distribution procedures for load and moment on an equivalent grid representing the walls of the tank The method is not restricted by the level of the liquid or the vertical variation of the load on the walls provided it is uniform on any horizontal plane A few comparison indicates that the method gives close agreement with the predictions of more lengthy theoretical treatments
يظهر في المجموعات:English Articles

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